Thursday, March 31, 2005

smart for two

kemaren di citos liat ini

lucu... nggemesin...

tapi kok warnanya saru ke bajaj sih? :(

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

sirkuit sentul 27 maret 2005

great corolla kelas N+ dari tim garda oto - garden speed

the damn thing was damn fast.. and won... (damn hehehe)

haridarma dan umbrella girls dari tim toyota team indonesia (TTI)

vios tim TTI.. err, kalo velgnya kitah colong sajah gimanah? xD

siap-siap start...

ngacir itu GTi red-top 100Kw... ae92 gak ada matinye...

estilo putih senggolan dengan vios haridarma.. pengendara estilo pingsan, vios hd bonyok..

dan estilo pak deddy hanurawan ancur euy.. bah bah

sayang ane gak megang kamera pake zoom, jadi nggak keliatan betapa shock dan pucetnya haridarma setelah insiden tabrakan tersebut.. di saat itu saya menyadari bahua jadi pembalap itu pekerjaan profesional, bukan cukup dengan modal hobi...

i bet kalo mas hd itu boleh milih, pasti dia milih untuk turun dari itu mobil dan pulang.. cos that was definitely what i would do if i were in his position (if there is no profesionalism consideration involved yak..)

dan sebelum pulang, liat GTi turbo with HKS intercooler.. sayang mesinnya pake apa nggak ketauan karena nggak keliatan..

Monday, March 28, 2005

goodbye simply sad

terjual sudah istriku..

sedih... sedih... sedih....

apa sih yg bikin sedih? terjual dengan harga yang bagus kok...

ya tetep sedih..

ya kenapa? dulu pas mbeli kan busok, sambil dipake kan tekor terus sampeyan? so?


mungkin karena sudah terlanjur sayang. yang disayang pun mungkin bukan mobilnya, tapi proses membangun mobil tersebut dari 'masih busok' jadi kinclong dan kenceng...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Morning Reflection

the picture above is brought to you by the letter v, i, o and s.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


di auto2000 radio dalam, ada benda ini lagi nongkrong...

wadaoew, 'new corolla GT'?

ternyata menurut montir disana, bukan... cuma gaya-gayaan sadja..

nanggoeng euy... pelknya udah bagus.. kaloe gaya-gayaan, kenapa tulisannya "16", sekalian aja bilang 20 valve soepaja orang nyangka jeroannya seperti ini..

sadis itu jeroan

Monday, March 14, 2005

memilih barang kampakan

yesterday i had a chance to go to vriva.. a famous automobile junk-yard located on sawangan.. about 25 km south of jakarta...

the junk-yard looks like an ordinary toko besi tua.. but when i went inside the place is quite shit big, dude...

so what do we do when we go to a junk-yard?

- first, check the general price for the thing we'd buy on an ordinary auto-shop. check the price for an original piece, KW1, and then KW2... usually for a fast moving, a junk-yard price can be about 1/8th of price of the original piece.. while for a slow moving, the price can reach as 1/3rd to one half the original price.. but that depends heavily on the quality of the stuff you'd buy.. after that, get the usual junk-yard price to your friends (or to your car user club or mailing list)...

- secondly, is possible, bring along your damaged stuff for a comparison... to make sure that the stuff you'd get is exactly identical.. or at least, physically compatible

- third, is possible also, bring along your mechanic... or the person who will install the stuff on your car... their quality check and the estimation of the stuff's quality can make a difference between easy-installation-process and satan-damnation-from-hell

- fourth, ask their opening price... and check with the stuff quality.. check also whether the stuff is complete or not... for example, when you are looking for throttle body of 4a-fe engine, the junk-yard may only provide you the ones with throttle position sensor only... or one with the idle speed sensor attached only... if the stuff is not complete, ask for a huge discount.. if they dont give you the discount, better take your business somewhere else, dude

- fifth, is possible, go to a least famous junk-yard.. while they have less stock, sometimes if you are in luck they might have just the stuff you need... and they usually dont put their opening price as high as the famous one..

- sixth, after you've bargain the price to the bottom, gently ask them for a warranty... they wont guarantee that the stuff will last as long as the original, but generally they will guarantee that it will perform as the original.. if such unfortunate thing happened, ask them to provide a replacement.. or if the don have one, get them to agree on a refund

good luck, bo..

have any comment or experience for junk-yard stuffs? please do comment, bro...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

cek kabel apron

ternyata kabel apron yang tidak baik karena lama ndak diurut dapat menjadikan mobil ndut-nduten atawa pada kasus gerobagnya si kutubusuk adalah ac-nya menjadi kaput...

riweuh euy... hehe