Wednesday, April 20, 2005

automotive in china

china will become the world's largest consumer of automobiles in the 21st century


most probably...

there are so many expansion in the terms of infrastructure setup while also, due to product price reduction, they have their largest local market reception ever yet for their automotive sales..

even thou still, it feels strange for me as a foreigner there to see products from local companies who operate under international automotive group...

for example, the audi above.. nice to see an audi, tapi itu disain jadul banget, bouw... hehe..

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

jual muffler sebring

titipan dari temen nih...

dijual muffler sebring.. general spec untuk mobil 1600 s/d 2000cc.. almost new.. dari beli (di arena pmk) cuma sempat terpasang 8 menit trus kemudian langsung dicopot lagi (di budi knalpot)..

dijual bersama dengan tabung 1.5" dari budi knalpot (perfect fit untuk vios)... harga penawaran 1.8jt super duper nego.. kontak langsung adri di 0811 164 627 (call only please, no sms, no email)